For over 150 before the United States was established, enslaved Africans help pave the way to a great nation.
Without BLACK there would be no RED, WHITE and BLUE™. This is the truth that emerges from the history of a very young United States of America. And who is the BLACK in this statement? It’s the first 12 generations of Africans that were imported into America from 1607 to 1865 for their labor. It includes their children. And what are the RED, WHITE and BLUE in this statement? It’s our flag representing our country. It’s the United States of America.
Another way to say this is “No Unpaid Labor No Country (as we know it)”. The country would not exist if it had lost the War of Independence against Great Britain in 1783. It would not exist if it had lost the Civil War between the USA and the Confederate States of America in 1865. In both cases BLACK soldiers were the difference between winning and losing. And winning or losing was the difference between the USA surviving as a country.
But there is more to explain the truth “as we know it”. An estimated 12.5 million Unpaid Laborers, working for 250 years for nothing, made it possible for the USA to have the largest economy in the world for over 100 consecutive years. Translation? The most money, the biggest military, the most political influence, the most highly developed systems, and the most desirable place to live in the world!
Without BLACK there would be no RED, WHITE and BLUE? It’s true because of the Contribution of those first 12 generations and everyone in our country today is benefiting from that Contribution!