Juneteenth is Coming! Black HistoryUnpaid Labor ContributionJune 16, 2016black history, civil war, Confederate States of America, Emancipation Proclamation, President Abraham Lincoln, President Barack Obama, The American Civil War
The Two John Browns Civil WarUnpaid Labor ContributionJune 1, 2016black history, Brown University, civil war, economics, John Brown of Harper’s Ferry, John Brown of Providence, politics, The American Civil War
The American Civil War---in 1790? Civil WarUnpaid Labor ContributionMay 26, 2016black history, civil war, Hamilton, James Madison, politics, The American Civil War, The Compromise of 1790, Thomas Jefferson
Trump, Clinton, Unpaid Labor, and West Virginia Politics PoliticsUnpaid Labor ContributionMay 10, 2016Bernie Sanders, black history, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, politics, The American Civil War, voting